Back-to-school is anything but normal this year, as we have all been faced with tough decisions in light of COVID-19. Whether you had the option for your children to participate in virtual learning or that decision was made by your child’s school district, learning to be flexible has been the trend in 2020. The White Label Studio team has several members who have had to make these tough decisions as parents with school-age children and spouses with loved ones in the education field. We caught up with several of them to see what advice they had for other parents faced with these unprecedented challenges.

“Back-to-school looks different for every family this year and that’s okay! Whether you’ve opted for classroom learning, virtual learning, homeschool or a combination, you’ve made the best decision for your family. This school year, my girls will be going back to the classroom. Caroline will be in 3rd grade and Charlotte will be a brand-new kindergartener! Wishing all of you parents an AWESOME school year. Virtual hugs for all of us parents!” Mollie Surratt, White Label Studio Co-Founder and mom of two.  

“My kids are so resilient and they have dealt with so much in the past two years; from a Mom with cancer to a global pandemic. As long as we are all healthy, we are able to take everything else in stride. My baby is starting first grade this year while my eldest daughter is starting Junior High; that’s two new schools, new students & friends, and all new teachers! Our schools are all still figuring out what September will look like, but it will likely be a combination of in-school and at-home learning. We have a lot of experience with last-minute changes over the years, so we’ve been doing a lot of deep breathing, pivoting, and prayer. Sending strength, understanding, and support to all parents getting ready to go back to school this academic year!” – Shira Zwebner, White Label Studio Digital Marketing Prodigy and mom of three. 

“My husband is an elementary school Principal and for us, it’s all about finding a balance between doing our due diligence to follow appropriate safety guidelines and continuing to live life with a positive mindset. Since he still goes into the school, I try to minimize how much he needs to be out in the world outside of school. We use every weekend as an opportunity to lay out the week ahead from meals to tasks to social time with family and friends. Calendars, task lists, and planning ahead will help eliminate unknowns going into the week, which eases anxiety and boosts our attitude and confidence going forward.” – Tim Rasmussen, White Label Studio Ultimate Content King and 

“As a mom of three active boys who thrive on sports and routine the coronavirus lockdown has thrown us ALL for a loop! Whether you opt for in-person learning, virtual learning, or homeschooling, the decision is difficult! None of this is easy, and every family’s decision will look different based on individual needs and comfort levels. We’ve opted to send our boys to a church where the teacher will facilitate virtual learning in a small classroom setting while also providing sports, art, and other enrichment activities. We all know this school year will be challenging so taking things day by day with flexibility is key. Self-care is so important for parents! I make time daily to step on my yoga mat for virtual classes and take long walks. Prayers for the parents out there – we’re all in this together!” – Jessica Goodwin, White Label Studio Community Builder and Social Media Rockstar and mom of 3. 

“When Covid hit, my daughter was a senior in college with a job lined up in Washington DC when she graduated. Like many, her job was eliminated due to the virus, and she had to come back home while looking for something else. The cancellation of her senior trip, graduation, and job have taken an emotional toll, but she has picked up the pieces, switched gears, and is now getting her masters online at the Citadel. It is difficult watching everything be pulled out from underneath your child, but we just try to be supportive, give her space when she needs it, and be there whenever she wants to talk. It is uncharted territory for all of us, but with faith and love we will get through this difficult time and come out the other side better, stronger, and more resourceful.” Elise Demboski, White Label Studio Co-Founder and mom of two. 

No matter what this academic year looks like for you, know that you are not alone. We are all making the best decisions we can for our families with the facts we have, and we can support each other no matter what our decisions may be. We pray that this upcoming school year is a great one for you and your family; one that makes us all more compassionate towards one another and brings us closer (metaphorically) as we embrace the new normal together! From all of us at White Label Studio, we hope you know that you are doing a great job!